White Oak Kitchens: Timeless or Trend?

White Oak Kitchens: Timeless or Trend?

So, you know when you're scrolling through Pinterest or Instagram and you see all those drool-worthy kitchen pics?

Well, I'm sure we have all been noticing White Oak is an undercurrent of most of these kitchens. It seems like everyone and their mom is using it for their cabinets and floors. And at first, I was like, "Is this just another one of those trends that's gonna be out next season?", "should I splurge for my kitchen reno?", etc

But then I started really looking into it and talking to some people who know their stuff when it comes to kitchen renos. And you know what? White oak is actually legit.

Pros of White Oak:

  • For one, it's honestly stunning. It's got this subtle woodgrain that adds so much warmth and character to a kitchen. And it's super versatile - it can go modern, traditional, or anywhere in between. It's like the little black dress of the kitchen world.
  • But it's not just about looks. White oak is tough as nails. It can handle all the wear and tear that comes with cooking and daily life. So you won't be stressing about dings and scratches every time you break out the pots and pans.
  • And here's the thing - white oak has been around for ages. We're talking centuries. It's not some flash-in-the-pan material that's gonna look dated in a year or two. So if you invest in white oak for your kitchen, you can feel good knowing it's gonna stand the test of time.
  • Oh, and bonus points - a lot of white oak is sustainably sourced. So you can have a stunning kitchen and feel good about your environmental impact at the same time.

Can't Afford CUSTOM White Oak Cabinets? Here are some other options...

Now, I know what you might be thinking. "This sounds amazing, but I'm on a budget." I feel you. (We are renovating a home that has been a P.R.O.J.E.C.T - in a bad way, I'll explain in another post - but essentially a lot of our budget went to things aside from the original plan of custom white oak cabinets.)

Custom white oak cabinets can be a bit of a splurge. But there are ways to get the look for less...

Semi-homemade Cabinets ($$$): Semi-homemade cabinets are a great alternative to fully custom oak cabinetry.

Laminate Cabinets ($$): Honestly, this is an option for sure but not something I'd recommend. In the past I have experienced the laminate peel but linking example below if you're interested.

Painted Cabinets + Add Oak Accessories ($$): Lastly, if you really want to go custom but can't afford custom white oak, the best next option is to get custom built cabinets for your space but paint then + then add oak accessories to your kitchen. This is the route that I ultimately decided to go + some of the accessories I'm planning on purchasing for my kitchen:

At the end of the day, your kitchen should make you happy. Whether that means going all-in on the white oak trend or finding a more budget-friendly alternative that you love just as much, the most important thing is that you create a space that feels like home.

So that's my two cents on the whole white oak kitchen thing. I say go for it if it's been on your reno wish list. It's a classic look that's gonna make your kitchen feel like a million bucks - even if you didn't spend nearly that much.

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